How To Get Past Gatekeeper During Cold Call?


Every year, a few hundred thousand people will make a cold call. They hope to get past the gatekeeper and talk to someone that can help them. Cold calling is uncomfortable for most people, but it doesn’t have to be as difficult as it may seem.

Cold calling is an often overlooked tactic in the sales process, but there are many advantages to this technique. This technique can help sellers get past gatekeepers, fill information gaps, and save time. 

Cold calls are tough. There’s no doubt about that. Whether you’re trying to get past the gatekeeper at a company, or the person screening your calls at your home office, it can be difficult making those first few contacts with someone who doesn’t know you and trusts you right off the bat. The key to success in these situations is persistence and preparation.

Engage: How Gatekeepers Can Be Engaged In Conversation And What They Might Say.

Gatekeepers are often the first person your company will have to reach to get past. Whether it’s a receptionist, an administrative assistant, or someone else, they are usually the only thing standing between you and the company decision-maker. Engaging them in conversation can make or break your chances of getting through to your target audience. Here are some of the most common responses that gatekeepers might say. Be sure to prepare for them ahead of time.

Hello, my name is ___

What can I do for you today?

May I help you? I’m sorry, but we don’t take ______

Who should I say is calling?

I have a ______ for you.

You cannot talk to him/her, but I can tell you they are very busy right now.

I can’t let you talk to ______, but I can tell you that ___.

Do you want to leave a message, or would you like me to connect you to ___?

Approach: How The Person Should Approach Gatekeeper And What They Should Say

A gatekeeper is an individual who has the power to grant or deny access to a person, organization, or event. It is important for any individual who wishes to get past a gatekeeper during a cold call to be polite and courteous when speaking to the person who will grant them entrance. The person may not be in a position where they can grant access, but they often know someone who can. In business, it is often not as a simple matter of having a superior or boss granting you access, but it can be as simple as a receptionist who will simply say “you are not my boss, but I will tell her/him that you are here”.

Clear Objectives: Why The Call Is Being Made And What The Outcome Of The Meeting Would Be

The article seeks to illustrate why the call is being made and what the outcome of the meeting would be. The paragraph will be broken up into three different parts. First, I will explain why there is a need for this meeting. Second, I will explain that the goal of the meeting is to discuss and come to an agreement on what final objectives we should aim toward. Lastly, I will explain that we should work together to achieve these final objectives.

Expectations: What You Want The Other Person To Do

Expecting the other person to do something can lead to disappointment. People often give others more credit than they deserve, which leads to unnecessary expectations. How one communicates their expectations is also important. You should never set an expectation that you won’t be clear on what the other person needs to do or say, which is why it’s best to not tell someone “I expect you to do this. ” Instead, you can say “I’m interested in your perspective on the topic, how do you see it?” or “What do you think of what I’ve proposed? ” When people don’t fulfill their expectations, they’re disappointed in themselves, which can lead to resentment and anger.


Overall, cold-calling is a successful method for networking. Keep in mind that when reaching out to new businesses, you’ll need to do some research on them beforehand. If you are persistent enough, with time and effort, you will surely find an entry point.

More Questions About Getting Past Gatekeeper

How do you beat the gatekeeper?

The gatekeeper is the person who stands between you and the person you want to pitch your idea to. The gatekeeper is in charge of deciding who meets with their boss, so they are often very difficult to get past. You can try to be charming, persuasive, or persistent in order to get past them.

How long does the gatekeeper encounter last?

Gatekeeper encounters can last for 45 seconds. The duration of the gatekeeper encounter largely depends on the type of demon and what it is trying to accomplish.

How do I bypass gatekeeper sales?

There are many ways to bypass gatekeepers. One way is to reach out to the person who has the power to make a decision. Another way is to find someone with an interest in your product and offer them a complementary product or service at no cost. This will allow you to get into their office and talk about your idea. You can also try contacting them through social media or email marketing campaigns.