5 Best Closing Sales Tactics

When it comes to closing sales, people are trying to think of unique and out-of-the-box ideas that they can use in order to close the sale.

You don’t need to think that hard in order to get that sale.

We’re going to look into five of the best ways you can close a sale!

5 Best Tactics To Use When Closing A Sale

#1 – Ask for the sale

Let’s not beat around the bush.

If you want to make a sale, ask for it.

You have worked this hard to get to the end of the sales process. You don’t want to spend more time-wasting to see if they’re ready to close.

A lot of salespeople get scared to directly ask for the sale.

But you need to be direct and ask for it so that way either you get the sale, move onto a different tactic, or move onto a new client.

For example, you can straight up say after the sales process “is it going to be Visa, Master Card, or American Express?”

#2 – Soft Approach

This is something that most salespeople do. But they don’t do it in the right way.

A soft approach is a way to get them to close without being too pushy.

But just because you’re not being pushy doesn’t mean you cannot be direct.

In this approach, most salespeople would ask if they have any more questions or if they’re ready to make a decision, or if they would like to see demos of anything else.

Depending on the type of client you are selling to, this approach might be a better way to close the sale.

#3 – The Trial

The best way to get anybody to close on a sale is to let them try your product or service for free for a certain amount of days.

Sometimes during a sales pitch or process, the client doesn’t understand exactly how this product or service would help them.

But if you could offer them a trial and let them test it out, they will understand the power of your product or service and be more willing to buy.

#4 – Use Social Proof

Before you buy anything, what do you do?

You read the reviews.

These days people do not buy anything without reading reviews.

Now, if you are selling and you want that person to be ready to purchase, send them social proof.

For example, let’s say you’re selling digital marketing services to dentists. You could send them results that other dentists got using your product or service. If you can show great results for someone that’s around the same location as them, this would be even better.

If a client thinks their colleague is using your service and improving their business, why wouldn’t they want to do the same?

#5 – Disconnect

This tactic might sound a little bit odd.

But most salespeople get too pushy or make the wholesale process about them.

Sometimes during your sales process, the client that you are selling to hasn’t had time to process everything.

Sometimes you need to just disconnect and step back so that way they can go over everything that you have presented to them.

But disconnecting does not mean forgetting about the client completely.

You want to give them a few days or maybe a week or so for them to look over everything and think.

But you also want to keep following up and making sure that you do not lose out on the sale.

Sometimes when you disconnect and go away, that person wants you even more.